Eco-Conscious Bra Taps Into Solar Power

Posted on May 28, 2008
Filed Under Advertising, Arts/Culture, Fashion, Gadgets, lingerie, Novelty, Women | Comments Off on Eco-Conscious Bra Taps Into Solar Power

triumph_solar_bra.jpgGreen is in. Looking to hitch a ride on the sustainability bandwagon, lingerie maker Triumph International Japan introduced a solar-powered, eco-friendly, and green (literally) bra in Tokyo last week. Yes, that’s b-r-a. Bra.

Featuring a solar panel around the stomach area, the simply-named “Solar Energy Bra” can generate enough electricity to power up your mobile phone or iPod. The drawback: it needs light to generate electricity. In other words, it won’t work with clothes on. So, in the same breath, Triumph has also announced that the bra is NOT likely to hit stores soon. Okay, that makes total sense.

The real question is: Must women do all the work, including power up the world — with our bras? Enough is enough!


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