Is This Model Too Fat?

Posted on June 26, 2008
Filed Under Advertising, Fashion, Women | 4 Comments

original-1.jpg24-year old beauty and Victoria’s Secret model Karolina Kurkova is being flogged by fashion critics over her appearance in recent days at Sao Paulo Fashion Week, especially after a runway appearance in a bikini. One Brazilian paper blasted her back fat and with cellulite.

The impetus for the stories were two still photos taken at the Cia Maritima fashion show at the end of last week. As you can see, she does not look like shes 100 lbs, and as a result of that she has been called too fat.

Meanwhile in Spain, there has been a ban on “skinny” models walking in shows, instituted by fashion show organizers in Madrid after model Ana Carolina Reston, 21, died of anorexia during a South America show in 2006. The model had reportedly consumed nothing but salad and diet soda for three weeks and died of heart failure.

Designers and advertisers continue to glamorize the rail thin mannequin. The thinner the frame, the better to display their designs. Basically hangers for their clothes, and young girls and women continue to buy into this idea that skinny is the ideal.

I think Kurkova looks GREAT! What’s wrong with a little flesh on your butt and some creases on your back. That’s what we really look like and that’s ok. No extreme diets, no retouching, we need to accept our bodies and love ourselves just the way we are.


4 Responses to “Is This Model Too Fat?”

  1. blixity on June 26th, 2008 7:36 am

    her body’s totally normal. good for victoria’s secret. these companies have got to start designing and showing for regular bodies — not walking hangers!
    her hair, though, could use some styling.

  2. jag on July 10th, 2008 11:46 am

    Yes, this model is way too fat, and her swimsuit is ill-fitted. This is an embarassment for all involved.

  3. Z on January 27th, 2009 12:02 am

    I agree, i would be embarrassed if i wore a bikini in public with those fat rolls and but creases.

  4. TJ on January 28th, 2009 3:05 pm

    This Porky Pig Monster should be banned from the runway.