8 More Revelations About Sarah Palin

Posted on September 3, 2008
Filed Under Elections 2008, Media, Politics, Women | 2 Comments

mccayne15.jpgSince the McCain campaign apparently didn’t even bother Googling Sarah Palin before picking her to join the Republican ticket, Alternet has taken it upon themselves to compile some important  revelations about Palin.

Yesterday AlterNet ran a piece called “Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin.” And in only 24 hours, almost as many exaggerations, misrepresentations, and outright lies have reared their ugly heads. Today, they’ve discovered 8 more revelations to consider.


2 Responses to “8 More Revelations About Sarah Palin”

  1. rachel on September 11th, 2008 10:59 am

    But wait, there’s more…

    According to a story on Salon, in 2000, the governor of Alaska (NOT SARAH!), “signed legislation “protecting victims of sexual assault from being billed” for those tests (“rape kits”).”
    Why – because the Wasilla Chief of Police – appointed by Sarah, said it was too much of a financial burden on tax payers to bear the cost of rape kits. So, their idea, bill the victim for rape kit. And why???#@$$!! because they needed to save money to build a new hockey arena.

    In some weird way, I’m glad I’m all fired up about Sarah Palin. I needed a good charge of energy, but at what expense? How can I make a difference? Can I actually change the opinions of women in middle-America who cling to the supposed rock-solid platform of “small town values”? And if I could, how?

    But then I think – I have to do something. We cannot go even further backwards than we already are. But that’s what it looks like. We will be taking giant leaps backwards if we don’t do something.

    I almost want to start a calling network. Most of us have cell phone and or land line plans that enable us to make long-distance calls. Part of me thinks, we should just pick up the phone books for any Red state town and just start dialing away emploring these people to just listen to us for 1 minute and allow us to give them some info. on Sarah Palin that could change her mind.

    The only way to get into the heads of these voters is door-to-door. Yes, maybe they will slam the door in our face or hang up on us, but we have nothing to lose because maybe someone will listen and tell their friend who will tell another and another and so on.

    If you want to start a calling plan with me, let’s do it. If we can make even 5 calls a day, we’re making progress and thanks to our calling plans, it won’t cost us anything – only our valuable time.

    And the best part – we don’t want money. We are not looking for contributions. We just want to be given the opportunity to have our voices heard speaking on a one-to-one basis – woman to woman.

    Who’s with me ladies?


  2. Wanda Acosta on September 11th, 2008 11:17 am

    I’m with you Rachel. I had a panic attack last night thinking we were running out of time to turn this thing around. It’s not too late. We cannot sacrifice our freedoms as women. Dammit, I’ll make some phone calls.

    I heard a women on the news yesterday say that Palin was fantastic. That she and Palin had sooo much in common and she was voting for her! What they had in common was a family of 5 and Christian faith. No mention or thought on how voting for a candidate can affect her and her children’s future. “If she’s like me, then I’ll vote for her.”

    Does anyone think, discuss, read anymore? Does anyone make an informed decision in those land locked states? Apparently not. After all, they gave Bush a second term!