Palin Rocks The House in Minneapolis

Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin introduced herself to America before a cheering crowd at the Republican National Convention on last night. She described herself as a typical “hockey mom” who strove to make life better for her children first by signing up for the local PTA and later by running for political office. She […]

More Hilarity From Our Friend Mitty Moo

Written by John Roberts/Clay Weiner. Starring John Roberts. Directed by Clay Weiner. Edited by Jesse Reisner. DP Drew DeNicola. Exclusive Premiere/HBO Comedy Festival. 2007

8 More Revelations About Sarah Palin

Since the McCain campaign apparently didn’t even bother Googling Sarah Palin before picking her to join the Republican ticket, Alternet has taken it upon themselves to compile some important  revelations about Palin. Yesterday AlterNet ran a piece called “Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin.” And in only 24 hours, almost as […]

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